I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. M:Good morning. Can Ihelp you?
W:Yes, this dress is too long. Would you please shorten it for me?
Q :Where doesthe conversation most probably take place?
2. W: Jack, you look tired.
M:Yes, I got piles of work to do. But it gives me a great sense of achievement.
Q:What can we learn about the man?
3. W:John, what's up? Why are you standing on the desk?
M:The lights suddenly went off. The bulb must have burnt out.
Q: What is the man most probably doing?
4. W:I will take this room, how muchis the rent?
M:Well,two hundred pounds each month. You need to pay three months rent inadvance, plus a deposit of 100 pounds.
Q:Accordingto the man, how much should the woman pay in total?
5. W:I'll take an interview for a part time librarian tomorrow.
M:Don't worry. Others stand no chance, if you take the interview.
Q:How does the man feel about the woman's chance of getting the job?
6. M :I couldn't sleep at all last night. The bed isnot comfortable.
W:Don't blame the bed. You should stop drinking wine.
Q: What does the woman imply?
7. W:Andy, I bought a shirt for you.
M:Thank you. I hope you kept the receipt. I've put on some weight.
Q:What does the man imply?
8. W:I'm terribly sorry, but your flight has been canceled.
N:What? In that case, I hope you will put meup somewhere tonight.
Q: What does the man expect a woman to do for him?
9. W:A new hotel is looking for workers. They need three hundred new workers. But over 4,000 people showed up .
M:Yes, I saw the news onTV. Istill have my job, thank goodness.
Q:What are the speakers talking about?
10. W:Professor smith explained the physics problem very clearly.
M:Did he? Unfortunately, it is still all Greek to me.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation, after each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions, the passage andthe conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on yourpaper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following talk.
With a fascinating past and more than four centuries of history, St. Augustine is one of the nation's oldest cities and an American treasure. Located on Florida’s Atlantic coast, it is home to many fine examples of European architecture and wild scenic views. In 1513, while looking for the storied fountain of youth, an explorer found this land and called it La Florida, and claimed it for Spain, then in 1565, a Spanish conquer established a settlement there and named it St. Augustine, except fora twenty year period of English rule. Floridaremained under Spanish ruleuntil the United States took control in 1821. In the years after its founding, the city of St. Augustinewas attacked by the French and English and by native Americans, you are said to have shot flaming arrowsat the city's defensive building, setting it on fire. More recently, nature has stricken the regionwith hurricanes, Matthew on 2016 and Irma in 2017. Still.St Augustine endures.
As the region recovers, visitors shouldn't overlook it. St. Augustinehas suffered muchin its long history. Hopefully, visitors will come andperhapssupport theFlorida’s coast recovery, while discovering its centuries of history and miles of coastal beauty.
11. Which country first governed Florida in history?
12. Which of the following statements is true of Saint Augustine?
13. What is the passage mainly about?
P.S. La Florida--佛罗里达的西班牙语名词
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following talk.
Transport for London has a lost property office which collects the items left behind aspeople flow through the city's transport system each day. It is the biggest lost property office in Europe, beaten globally only by Tokyo's. Sixty five staff sort through hundreds of thousands of lostand forgotten items each at the office, which is run by Paul Cowan.
Accordingto the latest data, Cowan’s team dealt with over three hundred thousand items in the first quarter of the year. Asthe data reveals, very feware claimed. For example, of the nearly 13,000 keys handed into lost property last year, just under 1,400 were returned to their owners, saysCowan. Overall, twenty percent of stock is claimed within three month.
After that time, stock becomes the propertyof transport forLondon. Andit's not necessarily theitems you'd expect. A wander through the three basement floors that make up the lost property office gives us an idea of whatwevalue enough to recover and what we're happy to let go. Cowan has discovered something interesting about the complexity of lost
shoes. He said, if you have oneshoe, youare more likely to go looking forthe other. If you lose twoshoes, well,it's slightly out of sight, out of mind. He guesses many people regard loss as anopportunity to treat themselves to something new.
14. What isthe passage mainly about?
15. Which of the followingis true of the lost items?
16.According to Cowan, why don't somepeople get their lost shoes back?
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
W: I have a goodfeeling about this house.
M: If you like the outside, you're going to really love the inside.
W: What abeautiful home!And I likethe way thewindow screengives you privacy from the street.
M: Follow me into the kitchen. Youwill love it.
W: Wow! They put a wine storage area in the kitchen. I love it! The best part is the bedroom and attached bathroom. I
love the relaxing colorsof the wall and floor covering. I'd like to makean offer on this house.
M: As yourhouseagent, I'm here to take care of this process. How much were you planning on offering?
W: I really like the house and will pay the full asking price of 380,000 dollars.
M:We’d better leave ourselves some bargaining room.Let's offer 350,000 dollars.
W: That soundsgood. But I don't want this house to get away from me.
M: The market is fairly down right now. So the offer is a realistic one.
W: When will we know if they’ll accept the offer?
M: The owners usually respond to an offer within a few days?
W: Should Ibe contacting mybank in the meantime?
M:You're already pre-qualifiedfor your loan. So you're in good shape.
17. What isthe woman mostprobably doing?
18. What does the woman like best in the kitchen?
19. What does the woman think of the man’s offer on the house at first?
20. Which of the followingis true according to the passage?
标题 语法:标题 S&A’s plan tofight theft
大致内容:就是一个商店推行一个叫 Justice 的系统抓商店扒窃(shoplifting),还有一些小偷窃就自己放课程让小
Earlier this summer, .. employees ____ (hire) 【目测填:were hired】
many efforts ____(raise) concerns【目测填:have raised】
____ (ease) …burden,…【目测填:Toease】
the most frequently ____ (visit) stop【目测填:visited】
… be accused of overcharging or falsely ____ (send) so-called shoplifters to prison【目测填:sending】
a thief ____ name is not in the police database【目测填:whose】
... it’s unclear _____… courses are as helpful as…【目测填:whether】
There are signs ____ …【目测填:that】
____ ____ …extra employees, S&A still remain difficult to secure…【目测填:even if / even though】
educate the lawbreakers ____ involving the police【目测填:without】
词汇:标题 Some Very “American” Words Come from Chinese
的 备选的 11
committed, compared, contact, delegation, destructive, humble
negotiate, respelled, similar, superiors, witnessed
关键人名:Quattro Musser ,JeanTwenge
rather/adulthood/decreases/options/majorities/missing/interested in/surroundings/opposite
When 17-year-old Quattro Musser hangs out with friends, they don't drink beer or cruise around in cars with their dates. Rather, they stick toG-rated activities such as rock-climbing or talking about books.
They are in good company, according to a new study showing that teenagers are increasinglydelaying activities that had long been seen as rites of passage into adulthood. Thestudy, published Tuesday in the journal Child Development, found that the percentage of adolescents in the U.S. who have a driver's license, who havetried alcohol, whodate, and who work for payhas plummeted since 1976,with the most precipitous decreases in the past decade.
The declines appeared across race, geographic, and socioeconomic lines, and in rural, urban, and suburban areas. To be sure, more than half of teens still engage in these activities, but the majorities have slimmed considerably.
Between 1976 and 1979, 86 percent of high school seniors had gone on a date; between 2010 and 2015 only 63 percent had, the study found. "People say, 'Oh, it's because teenagers are more responsible, or more lazy, or more boring,' but they're missing the larger trend," said Jean Twenge, lead author of the study, whichdrew on seven large time-lag surveys of Americans. Rather, she said, kids may be less interested in activitiessuch as dating, driving or getting jobsbecausein today's society, they no longer need to.
Accordingto an evolutionary psychology theory that a person's "life strategy" slows down or speeds up depending on his or her surroundings, exposure to a "harsh and unpredictable" environment leads tofaster development, while a more resource-rich and secure environment has the opposite effect,the study said. In the first scenario, "You'd have a lot of kids and be in survival mode, start havingkidsyoung, expect your kids will have kids young, and expect that there will be more diseases and fewer resources," said Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University who is the author of "iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing UpLess Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared forAdulthood."
Acenturyago, when life expectancywas lower andcollege education less prevalent, "the goal back then was survival, not violin lessons by 5," Twenge said.
Inthat model a teenage boy might be thinking more seriously about marriage, and driving acar and working for pay would be important for "establishing mate value based on procurement of resources," the study said. But America is shifting more toward the slower model, and the change is apparent across the socioeconomic spectrum, Twenge said. "Even in families whose parents didn't have a college education...families are smaller, and the idea thatchildren need to be carefully nurtured has reallysunk in."
The postponement of "adult activities" could not be attributed to more homework or extracurricular activities, the study said, noting that teens today spend fewer hours on homework and the same amount of time on extracurriculars as they did in the 1990s (with the exception of community service, which has risen slightly). Nor could the use of smartphones and the Internet be entirely the cause, thereport said, since thedecline began before they were widely available.
读 阅读 A
大致内容:Mataila 这个地方还在用 shell 当钱使用。
原文:On the island of Malaita, shells are money
1. 银行是现代发明,不久前----物物交换
2. 过去---不同形式的货币:金银、烟草、贝壳
3. 现在---M岛屿还在用贝壳作货币
4. Justlike a mint, 在此岛屿上只有一个地方做那种很值钱的贝壳货币
5. 岛上人储蓄贝壳货币与储存美元也没两样
Apparently, the idea of money that's not tied to a specific bank — or a specific country — is appealing to many. But it's worth remembering that the banking system that we now all live with is just that: A modern invention.Not so long ago, money was almost always created and used locally, and bartering was common. (In fact, it still iscommon among many online local networks, like the Buy NothingProject.).
Inthe past, money's makeup varied from place to place, depending on what was considered valuable there. So while some of the world's first coins were made from a naturally occurring hybrid of gold and silver called electrum, objects other than coins have served as currency, including beads, ivory, livestock, and cowrie shells. In West Africa, bracelets of bronze or copper were used as cash, especially if the transaction was associated with the slave trade there. Throughout the colonial period, tobacco was used in lieu of coins or paper bills in Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina, even though it was used elsewhere in the colonies and extensively throughout Europe and the U.K.
Today, on an island in the Pacific, a specific type of shell still serves as currency — and some people there are even hoarding it, just like Bitcoin moguls, convinced that one day, it will make them wealthy beyond imagination.
On Malaita, the most-populated island that's part of the Solomon Islands, shells areaccepted at most places in exchange for goods.
"How much tunayou canget for your shells depends on their color and shape,"Mary Bruno, a shop owner from the small town of Auki, on Malaita, told Vice. "One stripofdarker shellsmight get you about two cans of smaller tuna, but the red ones are worth more. For the red ones, one strip might get enough tuna to feed a big family fora long time."
Just like a mint that creates coins, there's only one place on the island where the shells, whichare polished and strung together to form3-foot-long ropes, are made. (You cansee how that works in the video above.) The strips of red,
white, and black shells all come from Langa Langa Lagoon, where artificialislands were long-agobuilt by locals to escape from the island-dwelling cannibals. Once marooned out ontheir islands, locals needed a currency to use among themselves, and so the shellcurrency was born.
Using shells for moneywas common throughoutthe Pacific islands as late as the early 1900s, but Malaita is unique in that they are still used today. And just like cryptocurrencies, there are those who think the islanders are smart to invest in this type of money, which is reported to have risen in value over the last three decades. It might seem strange to hoard abunch of processed, strung-together shells, but what is a pile ofdollars? Just a specially printed piece of paper and hemp that we've assigned value to — and probably less durable overtime thanthose shells.
读 阅读 B :移一颗老树
大致内容: :某地区为了扩建医院而要移动一些百年老树,有一个 List 罗列了移动树木的步骤,有一道题是有五张
图片,让你把移动的顺序排列正确的选项选出来。本道题给了 inflation(充气)的中文解释,但是 deflation 没有,
看来要掌握前缀 de-哟!本篇文章俺花的时间最长,主要是不敢注视太久。
How Do You Move a Giant Sequoia?
Boise, Idaho, recently relocated a century-old, living tree provided by John Muir
Inhabitants of Boise, Idaho, watched with trepidation earlier this year as the city's oldest, tallest resident moved two blocks. The 105-year-old sequoia tree serves as a locallandmark, not only for itslongevity butalso because renowned naturalist and Sierra Club co-founder John Muir provided the original seedling. So, when Saint Luke'sHealth System found that the 10-story-tall conifer stood in the way of its planned hospital expansion, officials called tree-moving firm Environmental Design.
The Texas-based company has developed and patented scooping and lifting technology to move massive trees. Weighing in at more than 800,000 pounds, the Boise sequoia is its largest undertaking yet. “I [had] lost enough sleep over this,” says David Cox, the company's Western region vice president—andthat was before the hospital mentioned the tree's distinguished origin. Before the heavy lifting began, the teamassessedthe root system and dug a five-foot-deep cylinder, measuring 40 feet in diameter,around the trunk to protect all essential roots. After encapsulating the root ball inwire mesh, the movers allowed the treeto acclimateto its new situation for seven months before relocating it. The illustration details what followed.
读 阅读 C :budget line
大致内容:我觉得很啰嗦地讲了一下 budget line 是咋回事。有一个纵轴(vertical axis),横轴(horizontal axis),其
实只要高中数学坐标没白学的都知道在讲啥。举了一个 150 元买 movie tickets(单价 10元)和 crime novels(单价 15 元)
The budget line is an elementary concept that most consumers understandintuitively without a need for graphs and equations -- it's the household budget, for example.
Taken informally, thebudget line describes the boundary of affordability for a given budget and specific goods.
One of the interesting ways the study of economics relates to human behavior generally isthat a lot of economic theory is the formalization of the kind of simple conceptoutlined above -- a consumer's informal understanding of the amount she has to spend and what thatamount will buy.
In the process of formalization, the concept can be expressed as a mathematical equation that can be applied generally.
To understand this, think of a graph where the vertical lines quantify how many movie tickets you can buy and where thehorizontal lines do the same for crime novels. You like going to the movies and reading crime novels and you have $150 to spend. In the example below, assume that each movie costs $10 and each crime novel costs $15. The more formal economics term for these two items is budget set.
If movies cost $10 each, then the maximum number ofmovies you can see with the money available is 15. To note this you make a dot at the number 15 (for totalmovie tickets) atthe extreme left-hand side of the chart. This same dot appears at the extreme left above "0"on the horizontal axis becauseyou haveno money left for books -- the number of books available in this example is .You can also graph the other extreme -- all crime novels and no movies. Since crime novels inthe examplecost $15 and you have $150 available, if you spend all the available money crime novels, you can buy 10. So you put a doton the horizontal axis at the number 10.
You'll place the dot at the bottom of the verticalaxisbecause in this instance you have $0 available for movie tickets.
If you now draw a line from the highest, leftmost dot to thelowest, rightmost dotyou'll have created a budget line. Any combination of movies and crime novels that falls belowthe budget line is affordable. Any combination above it is not.
六选四 :
题 标题 Magazine articles: morevaluable than you may think
超简单。答案目测是 EFAD
summary :标题 Becoming an attractive employee
1. 要具备 information technology skills
2. 要有 experience
3. 要有一个 great attitude towards a potential company(不是公司适应你,而是你适应公司,明白自己能给公司带
1. 她们中谁可能当过排球教练?(may)
Who may have been a volleyballcoach among them?
May any of them have worked as a volleyballcoach?
2. 我看见他换上徒步鞋,向草坪走去。(make for)
I saw him put on his hiking shoesand make for the lawn.
I saw him put on his hiking shoes, making for the lawn.
3. 妈妈将闹钟设为每六小时响一次,提醒自己该给宝宝量体温了。(reminder)
Mom sets the alarm clock ringing every six hours as a reminder to take her baby's temperature.
Mom sets the alarm clock for (once) every six hours asa reminder to take her baby's temperature.
Mom sets up an alarm clock whichgoes off every six hours as a reminder to take her baby's temperature.
4. 在这个村落里,人们通常每餐只吃八分饱,但这种健康的饮食习惯最初是为了应对食物短缺的困境。(until)
People in the village often eat until they are 80% full/80percent full, but this healthy eating habit was developed todeal
with /address the poor/hard conditions/situation of food shortage in the first place.
In the village, people often eat until they are 80% full/80 percent full. However, this healthy eating habit wasformed to
deal with the dilemma offood shortage at first.
In the village, people often eat until they are 80% full, inwhich case, however, this healthy eating habit had been
intended to cope with food shortage at first.
假设你是明启中学高三学生卢平,你校英语报向全体高三学生征文,题目为"My teachers",你有意投稿,
1. 对遇到过的老师进行分类
2. 具体描述每一类老师的特征
(坊间传闻:网传今天风格诡异的高考作文, 疑似为某男子职业技术学院英语老师 5 月份读写作业:
You arerequired to write an essay based on the following outline: How many types of university teachers will you group
theminto? Which type of university teachers do you like most?And Why? You should useexamples, personal
experiences or other details to support your view. Your essay should be about 250 words. Please hand in your A4 Typed
sheet this Thursday when we will meet. Use Times New Roman. Thanks......)