2. 写作内容上
3. 写作风格上
很多申请人在写个人陈述的过程中,希望“语不惊人死不休”,力求将申请文书写的完美,这一点本身没错,一篇优美的个人陈述,是能够给自己申请结果加上很多分数的。不过,英语有一句话叫做“Substance over form“,意思是内容重于形式,在阅读申请材料过程中,录取委员会其实也更注重申请人的实质性东西,希望看到申请人的专业水平和研究工作经历。而很多申请人却将大量的精力放到了如何使语言更优美的方向上去,用的单词生僻,读起来不能朗朗上口,这实际上是本末倒置,无法得到录取委员会的青睐。
接着来看看 个人陈述一般都写哪些内容。
要让admission看一眼就知道你递交申请的原因是啥,简单直接的表达会让你的application在多如牛毛的personal statement里成为一股清流,还省去大学招生办不少过滤废话的时间!
deferredentry:有gap year的计划吗?如有,打算利用这一年完成什么事情?(记得要证明自己并没有荒废青春哦)已经过了gapyear?过去一年都做了什么事情/为自己的大学生活做了什么准备?
The Experience A couple years ago, I set a goal to purchase my first piece of real estate within three years of graduation from Harvard College. I realized this goal, two years and three months ahead of schedule when I closed on a charming one-bedroom condo in [lower Manhattan]. It was September 5th, 2001. Six days later, the world as I knew it changed when the World Trade Center towers collapsed, killing thousands, engulfing [lower Manhattan] in a cloud of debris, shattering apartment windows, and seeping signs of destruction in through my windows, onto my window sill, and all over my newly polished floors. I fled that day to the safety of [deleted] County and the security of my parent's house. Back at my parent's home I settled in front of the television. That day, I probably only moved from in front of the television twice. I was demoralized when the television provided the first glimpse of [lower Manhattan]. There sat my new home, encased in dust, surrounded by debris, and marred with shattered glass. A lot happened those first 24 hours in front of the television, prayers were said, thankfully prayers were answered, resolutions were made, and the most profound leadership experience of my life took shape.
The Leadership Role That day, while watching the news coverage, I vowed that I would move back to [lower Manhattan] and become part of the rebuilding effort. I have done this and more. Shortly after September 11th, I founded the [deleted] Association with three other residents (none of whom I knew prior to the disaster). We started out as a small Executive Steering Committee, concerned with assessing the immediate impact on the community, determining the safety of residents, confirming reoccupation dates for the displaced, and disseminating information. When the first wave of residents were allowed back into the neighborhood, the Steering Committee held a town hall meeting to assess the needs of residents and develop a rapport with the community that we had collectively pledged to help.
With time the scope and goals of our organization morphed to fit the needs of the community. In December of [deleted] I was appointed President of the [deleted] Association. With the majority of residents now back in their homes it was time for me to redefine the goals of the organization. Under my direction, the [deleted], lobbied public and government officials for economic relief, assisted the transition of residents back into the community, publicized the re-opening of businesses, secured resident access to the neighborhood past checkpoints, built strategic relationships with relief organizations, and provided transportation alternatives. Long-term, as President of the [deleted], I have been instrumental in the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan. On a daily basis I convey the visions, needs, and voices of residents to the public, offer solutions and assistance to solve the problems of residents, provide information and resources to the neighborhood, and sponsor activities that foster community spirit.
The Leadership Lessons Serving as President of the [deleted] Association has been a defining leadership experience for four distinct reasons. 1) This experience has taught me how to concurrently serve the needs of thousands of individuals and give representation to multiple contingencies often with conflicting agendas. Accomplishing this task has been harder than I could have ever imagined. Representing a community of 12,000 to the press, elected public officials, businesses, and public is a difficult exercise in negotiation. 2) My time as President has been instrumental in teaching me how to manage a multitude of commitments. My work with the [deleted] Association is time consuming but forces me to find innovative solutions to balance my commitment to the [deleted], with my professional career, extracurricular commitments, and personal aspirations. 3) This experience and my solid record of accomplishments has been powerful in confirming to myself that not only do I enjoy leading but that I am a successful leader. And in the true mark of a leader, I have discovered that I have the innate leadership qualities necessary to mobilize specific individuals and large amounts of people behind my vision. And 4) and perhaps more importantly than knowing that I have the ability to effectively deliver results, over the past year and a half, through countless triumphs, setbacks, failures, and successes, I have learned that a community wrought with tragedy—can recover.