利用寒假30天, 进入 全日制 “好课” 学习 模式, 每天主课+辅课双向教学,将 学习 效果最大化, 快速提 高考 试成绩。 |
长沙朗阁 雅思 寒假班 朗阁听阅口写五星级资深老师亲授助阵,开启寒 假“好练”模式:每日纠音、练笔、 单词 打卡、 老师答疑等。服务备考,分数能力双升级。 |
- 雅思 -
阅读 / 听力 理解的偏差及障碍,逻辑感、条理性及组织能力都较差的学员 【课程教学点】 阅读 较有深度的中长篇文章,理解较为复杂的概念; 把握中篇 听力 的主 要 细节 |
阅读中欠缺定位细节的技巧,表达中运用中高级语汇非常生硬、牵强,逻辑性较差的学员 【课程教学点】 加强听说读写基本技能训练及输入、输出词汇的扩充 |
通过学霸班入学测试考核学员即可获取入学资格 【课程特别福利】 培训结束后1个月内考试,达到指定高分最高可获取高额学霸奖学金 |
长沙朗阁培训中心从事雅思考试及新 托福 、新SAT等北美国际升学考试语言培训,并为企业及高校量身定制各类 英语 团训课程,荟集出色的 英语 教育老师。
王诗意 Eleven
雅思8分 (听力8.5分,阅读8分,口语8分)
英语专业 八级,具备口译证书及剑桥高级 商务英语 证书,拥有6年以上雅思托福一线教学经验,学术功底扎实,英语发音纯正,带领 学生 体验口语的独特乐趣。课堂生动、教学风格独特,工作上严于律己,对 学生 非常负责,帮助众多学生在短期内迅速提高,培养上百名高分学员,实现其出国梦想。她的课,清新甜美、丝丝入扣。
TEM-8,English Interpreting Certificate and BEC Higher Level. Owning 6-year first-hand teaching experience in IELTS and TOEFL. The professional and standard pronunciation leaves a deep impression on stduents, which has strongly aroused students' interest in English study. Meanwhile, the unique teaching style and resposibility for students have helped a large number of students to make rapid pro gre ss in study and even made their dreams of studying abroad come true. After participating Eleven’s teaching process, loads of students have successfully achieved the scores that had formed the obstacles during their learning journey. The prefect combination of theories and practical skills is always the highlight of her class.
雅思8分 (听力8.5分,阅读8分,口语8分)
英语专业 八级,具备口译证书及剑桥高级 商务英语 证书,拥有6年以上雅思托福一线教学经验,学术功底扎实,英语发音纯正,带领 学生 体验口语的独特乐趣。课堂生动、教学风格独特,工作上严于律己,对 学生 非常负责,帮助众多学生在短期内迅速提高,培养上百名高分学员,实现其出国梦想。她的课,清新甜美、丝丝入扣。
TEM-8,English Interpreting Certificate and BEC Higher Level. Owning 6-year first-hand teaching experience in IELTS and TOEFL. The professional and standard pronunciation leaves a deep impression on stduents, which has strongly aroused students' interest in English study. Meanwhile, the unique teaching style and resposibility for students have helped a large number of students to make rapid pro gre ss in study and even made their dreams of studying abroad come true. After participating Eleven’s teaching process, loads of students have successfully achieved the scores that had formed the obstacles during their learning journey. The prefect combination of theories and practical skills is always the highlight of her class.
班 -
全日制课程紧凑高效,集 中学 习,任课和辅导老师将全程监 督,适合可脱产学员 |
- 周末班 -
周末班利用周末碎片时间定期 梳理推进学习进度,适合在校但有 备考需求的学员 |
- VIP一对一班 -
VIP不做时间和入学水平限制, 根据学员情况定制课程,适合各 种短期长期备考学员 |
标签: 长沙朗阁雅思寒假班