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每年的12月25日,是 圣诞节 。圣诞节快到了,今年的圣诞节大家打算怎么过呢?小编在这里给大家带来2021庆祝圣诞节的 英语 作文 有中文翻译五篇,希望大家喜欢! A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网


# 庆祝圣诞节的 英语 作文 1 # A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

When the calendar turns to December, Christmas steps will gradually close. Merry Christmas, it is my favorite holiday. Merry Christmas, people use a variety of ways to meet its arrival. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Look, market doorway, tall Christmas tree decorated with colorful gift. Look, the figure of Santa Claus that is darling everywhere -- blowing sachs is twisted his fat body, with blizzard in sled the coming towards us. Look, there is a carry a pocket full of gifts has climbed to the chimney, really let a person look forward to. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Listen, the streets, everywhere echoed with "jingle bells" the familiar melody; Listen to, the adults are discussed to which shopping mall shopping, where to dinner; Listen to friends and I were talking about this year's Christmas wish. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Lovely old Santa Claus, would you like to stay with me the socks of the head of a bed full of my desire and I look forward to. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

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当日历翻到12月,圣诞节的脚步就渐渐近了。快乐的圣诞节,是我最喜欢的 节日 。快乐的圣诞节,人们用各种方式迎接它的到来。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

看,商场门口,高高的圣诞树上挂满了五彩缤纷的礼物。看,圣诞老人那憨态可掬的身影无处不在——吹着萨克斯的正扭动着他胖胖的身体,顶着大风雪乘着雪橇的那位正向我们走来;看,还有一位背着装满礼物的口袋已经爬到了烟囱上,真让人期待。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

听,大街小巷,到处都回荡着“jingle bells”那熟悉的旋律;听,大人们正在商量到哪个商场 购物 ,再到哪儿聚餐;听,我和小伙伴们正在讨论着今年的圣诞心愿。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

可爱的圣诞老人,你会在我床头的袜子里装满我的心愿和我的期待吧。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

# 庆祝圣诞节的英语作文2 # A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

One day, when I was in English class, miss guo said to us: "today is Christmas, you must prepare a big bag in the window, this night Santa Claus will give you the best present!" In the evening, I really prepared a readerrabbit bag in the window, I give mother said: "I put a large bag in the window, Santa Claus will send you letter not letter I gift?" Mother said: "there is no Santa Claus!" I said: "good! You don't believe it! Humph! Santa Claus will give me a gift this evening, you waiting for! A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

In the morning, when I feel readerrabbit bag below a little drum, I cut out a look, ah! Santa Claus really give me a good gift. I want to my mother that also put a bag, I give mother said; "Mother, can let me look at your bag, look have a Christmas present?" My mother came into the room to open the bag, "ha ha! See mother's bag is nothing!" My mother said: "this is why you don't believe in Santa Claus!" Mother feel sad this time, say: "sorry! Fight wars, I really believe in Santa Claus." A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

I have inside the bag: little red shoes, greeting CARDS, candy, watches, snake hanging drop, there is a Santa Claus hanging drop, Santa is also hope I early to bed and early to rise, learning progress! I am very very happy. I think: "next Christmas, Santa Claus will send me gift! I must like Santa Claus wish I when a smart, reasonable, capable of good girl. So, Santa Claus will give me the best gift. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

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有一天,我在上英语课的时候,miss郭给我们说:“今天就是圣诞节了,你一定要在窗口准备一个大袋子,今天晚上圣诞老人就会送你的礼物!”到了晚上,我真的在窗口准备了一个readerrabbit袋子,我给妈妈说:“我在窗口放了个大袋子,你信不信圣诞老人会送我礼物呢?”妈妈说:“根本没有圣诞老人!”我说:“好!你不信!哼!今天晚上圣诞老人一定会给我送礼物的,你就等着吧! A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

到了天亮的时候,我感觉readerrabbit袋子下面有点鼓,我掏出来一看,原来呀!真的圣诞老人给我送了好礼物。我想我妈妈那也放了一个袋子,我给妈妈说;“妈妈,可以让我看看你的袋子,看有没有圣诞礼物?”我进到妈妈屋子里打开袋子一看,“哈哈!看到妈妈的袋子里什么都没有!“我给妈妈说:“这就是你不相信圣诞老人的缘故!”妈妈这次感到了难过,说:“对不起!战战,这下我真的相信圣诞老人了。” A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

我袋子里边有:小红鞋、 贺卡 、糖果、手表、蛇挂坠、还有一个圣诞老人挂坠呢,圣诞老人还希望我早睡早起,学习进步呢!我感到特别特别高兴。我想:“下个圣诞节,圣诞老人还会送我礼物的!我一定要像圣诞老人希望我的那样当一个聪明、懂事、能干的乖孩子。这样的话,圣诞老人一定会送我的礼物。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

# 庆祝圣诞节的英语作文3 # A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

How time flies! A blink of an eye to the end of the year. I'm looking forward to Christmas every year. The old man with long white beard, red dress and red hat has always been my favorite character. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Every Christmas, no matter how busy she is, her mother goes to the supermarket to buy a green Christmas tree and put it on the floor of the living room. Mother also bought a lot of strange little toys, we hung together on the tree, and finally wrapped up with small lights, plug in power, the whole Christmas tree issued a colorful light, like the stars all over the sky, beautiful. My brother and I were walking around the Christmas tree excitedly, like two happy bunnies. At ten in the evening, mother always urged us to go to bed, mother said: "children, go to sleep, at night, Santa Claus wants to give you gifts, late, you can not receive."." We rushed to our room, and everyone was afraid of missing Santa Claus's gift. So every year we can get the gifts we want on Christmas Eve, and my heart is filled with gratitude to Santa Claus. I really want to see Santa Claus once, and say to myself, "thank you."." A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

When I was eight years old on Christmas Eve, I was lying in bed, quietly waiting for the living room, until finally the clock struck twelve, my heart was excited like to jump out of the "green", like drums beating. Suddenly, the door of my room was gently pushed aside, and I looked secretly, and my mother crept in, holding a large carton in her hand, and I closed my eyes. My mother came to my bed, put the gift on my pillow, bent down and kissed my face, in what is the angle left quietly. I was a little disappointed, but sweet - my mother was Santa claus! A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Now I know, there is no God in the world, Santa Claus is just a beautiful legend, but I'm still looking forward to Christmas, because the mother's love warms us, let Christmas have a different beauty! A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

时间过得真快呀!一转眼就到了年底。我最盼望的就是每年的圣诞节了。那个留着长长的白胡须,穿着红色衣服,带着红色帽子的圣诞老爷爷一直都是我最喜欢的人物。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

每年的圣诞节,不管多忙,妈妈都会去超市买回一棵绿色的圣诞树,把它摆放在客厅的地板上。妈妈还买回很多稀奇古怪的小玩具,我们一起往树上挂,最后还要缠上小小的彩灯,一插上电源,整棵圣诞树就发出五颜六色的光芒,就像是满天的繁星,美丽极了。我和哥哥兴奋地围着圣诞树转来转去,好像两只欢快的小兔子。到了晚上十点,妈妈总是催着我们去睡觉,妈妈说:“孩子们,快去睡觉,夜里圣诞老爷爷要送礼物给你们,晚了可就收不到了。”我们赶紧往自己的房间里冲,谁都怕错过了圣诞老爷爷的礼物。就这样每年我们都能在圣诞夜收到自己想要的礼物,我的心里对圣诞老爷爷充满了感激,我多么想亲眼看一次圣诞老爷爷,亲口对他说声:“谢谢。” A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

在我八岁那年的圣诞夜,我躺在床上,静静地等待着,终于等到客厅的大钟敲响了十二下,我的心激动的像要跳了出来,“咚咚”地像是战鼓在敲打着。突然,我房间的门被轻轻地推开了,我偷偷看去,只见妈妈蹑手蹑脚地走了进来,手里提着一个大纸盒,我赶紧闭上了眼睛。妈妈来到我的床前,把礼物放在我的枕边,俯下身子亲了亲我的脸,掖了一下被角悄悄地离开了。我心里有点失望,却又甜甜的———原来妈妈就是圣诞老人啊! A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

现在我知道了这个世界上没有神仙,圣诞老人也只是个美丽的 传说 ,可我依然盼望着过圣诞节,因为妈妈的爱温暖着我们让圣诞节有了别样的美丽! A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

# 庆祝圣诞节的英语作文4 # A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

i like christmas, it is just like our spring festival. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

maybe the spring festival is much more important and interesting than christmas, but i like christmas day better. because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during christmas. when it is snowy, A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. i can imagine i am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. what a beautiful place! so we can also call christmas “snowy lovely day.” A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

on christmas day, shops are red and green. there are so many christmas cards, christmas hats, christmas dolls and many colourful things. so shops look very beautiful. we can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “merry christmas.” by the way, i think studying can also become much more interesting. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

我喜欢圣诞节,它就像我们的 春节 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

也许春节比圣诞节更重要和有趣的,但我更喜欢圣诞节。因为我们可以花时间与我们的朋友和同学在圣诞节期间。当它下雪的, 圣诞节变得更加可爱,就像在童话。我可以想象我在童话中,卖火柴的女孩是我的朋友,丑陋的鸭子越来越漂亮等等。一个美丽的地方!所以我们也可以叫圣诞“雪可爱的一天。” A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

在圣诞节,商店是红色和绿色。有很多圣诞卡,圣诞帽、圣诞娃娃和许多五颜六色的东西。所以商店看起来很漂亮。我们可以给我们的朋友和一个卡或一个娃娃说“圣诞快乐。“顺便说一下,我觉得学习也可以变得更有趣。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

# 庆祝圣诞节的英语作文5 # A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

Today is Christmas Eve, is western festival, listen to father said: "is the equivalent of our year." I finished writing homework after school, he thought of yu teacher in the classroom ask whether we prepared a Christmas gift for mom and dad. I thought to myself: "before Christmas are mom and dad gave me a gift, today I also want to give them a surprise!" A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

At first, I thought: what the gifts? After a while, I have a good idea: "do two handmade CARDS!" I write on a piece of card: I love you, mother! Write on the card: I love you, father! In the picture on the card and lace, snowman, the Christmas tree. Write good picture, I suddenly heard footsteps in the "product", I panicked, hurry-scurry, hurriedly pressed two card in the bottom, because this is the "secret operation", must not let mom and dad know that they give you a surprise! A look, turned out to be a mother to wash feet, such as mother wash feet, I boldly take out the CARDS. A put in father tomorrow want to wear leather shoes, another in the mother tomorrow want to wear high heels, waiting to give them a big surprise! Mom and dad to see after this "special" gift is very happy, al Jefferson said: "having grown up, know to give us gifts!" It's my first diy CARDS, even though it's not beautiful but with my warm heart! Son the mother exclaimed: "this is the first time send gift to me, I'm going to treasure well!" Then from the bag took out a big of magic Christmas stockings to me, I opened the sox mouth a look, wow! Carrying a full bag, all is my favorite thing, very good! I excitedly on his mother kissed under several, father also hearty laugh. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

This year's Christmas is the most meaningful a Christmas. A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

今天是圣诞 平安夜 ,是西方国家的节日,听爸爸说:“就相当于我们的大年三十。”我放学写完了作业,就想起了俞老师在课堂上问我们是否给爸爸妈妈准备一个圣诞礼物。我心想:“以前圣诞节都是爸爸妈妈给我礼物,今天我也要给他们一个惊喜!” A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

刚开始,我想:到底送什么礼物好呢?过了一会儿,我有了一个好主意:“做两张 手工 贺卡吧!”我在第一张贺卡上写上:i love you, mother !在第二张贺卡上写上:i love you, father !并在这两张贺卡上画上花边、雪人、圣诞树。写好画好之后,我突然听见了“咚咚”的脚步声,我惊慌失措、手忙脚乱,赶紧把两张贺卡压在屁股下面,因为这是“秘密行动”,决不能让爸爸妈妈知道,这样才有惊喜啊!一看,原来是妈妈要来打水洗脚,等妈妈洗完脚,我就大胆地拿出贺卡。一张放在爸爸明天要穿的皮鞋里,另一张放在妈妈明天要穿的高跟鞋里,等着给他们一个大惊喜! 爸爸妈妈看到了这份“特别”的礼物之后,都非常开心,连声说道:“龙龙长大了,知道给我们送礼物了!”这可是我第一次diy贺卡,虽然不算漂亮但是却包含着我暖暖的心意呢!妈妈激动地说:“这可是儿子第一次送礼物给我,我可要好好珍藏哦!”接着从包里变 魔术 般的拿出了一只大大的圣诞袜交给了我,我打开袜口一看,哇!装着满满一袋,全是我最爱吃的东西,太好啦!我兴奋地在妈妈脸上亲了好几下,爸爸也爽朗地笑了起来。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

今年的圣诞是最有意义的一次圣诞。 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网


2021庆祝圣诞节的英语作文有中文翻译 A8c高三学习网-高考复习资料-复习计划与学习方法解题技巧-高三复习网

标签: 圣诞节 庆祝圣诞节英语作文 圣诞节英语作文有翻译 圣诞节英语作文 英语 英语作文 节日 购物 贺卡 传说 春节 平安夜 手工 魔术




