360介绍,(University of Vermont,简称UVM)为佛蒙特州最古老之大学院校,成立于1791年、是创国以来建立的第20个学府、历史十分悠久,在新区是第五家设立的大学,仅次于、、达特茅斯大学和。学校建立之初是私立大学,于1862年成为公立大学,具有公立大学和私立大学的双重优势。佛蒙特大学现有本科生9千多人,研究生1351人。师生比例是1:15。87%的全职教拥有博士或所在领域里的最高学位。佛蒙特大学是美国8大公立常春藤学校之一,8大常春藤学校包括、密歇根大学安娜堡分校、、、德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校、、、佛蒙特大学。
1.The weather (If you are a skier or outdoors person)
2.Spectacular scenery
3.Laid-back people
4.Outstanding professors
5.Prossive student body
6.Safe and thriving city locale
7.Access to Montreal
8.An assortED slew of music, art, and food
9.Easy access to the great outdoors
10.Great skiing nearby
1.The weather (cold winters and unprEDictability)
2.Parking (or lack thereof)
3.Strict policies
4.6 a.m. registration
5.Few on-campus housing alternatives to dorm rooms
6.Lack of school spirit
7.Students can be cliquey (leftover high school mentality)
8.Lacking diversity
9.All those fun things to do might distract from schoolwork
10.All that schoolwork might distract from the fun things to do